About CARE
CARE International is a
global leader in a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. CARE works
around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. We
put women and girls in the centre of our work because we know that we cannot
overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. CARE has
been working in Uganda since 1969, and we work across all the regions of
Uganda. The goal of our 2021-2025 business plan is to reach 10 million people
through our lifesaving and gender-transformative humanitarian, development, and
nexus programs. We are committed to working with the government, private
sector, and local civil society, especially women-led and women’s rights
organizations. Our annual portfolio is $15 million, funded through various
Project Summary
The Gender Equality and Resilience
Project (GEAR) is a five (5) years project funded by Austrian Development
Agency through CARE Austria with an overall goal to empower marginalized women,
girls, and youth (15-59 with a focus on 15-35 years) to be more self-reliant
and live in a responsive and inclusive environment in Northern Uganda and
Eastern Rwanda.
project seeks to achieve four output areas such as : i) promoting positive gender norms that protect
women and girls and advance gender equality & women and girls' social and
economic rights in the target communities; ii) ensure that marginalized women,
girls and youth have sustainable and dignified income opportunities; iii) women
and girls have increased voice and leadership to influence decisions and
effectively take action to address their priorities; and iv) ensure knowledge
on effective approaches of transforming gender norms and women's empowerment is
disseminated at program, national and international level.
Job Summary
As a member of the senior program team of GEAR, the
WEE& market linkage Advisor is responsible for providing technical support
and leadership to the project economic empowerment component. He/she is
responsible for supporting the GEAR project to ensure its beneficiaries have
increased capacity to access and utilize safe, sustainable, and dignified
income generating and livelihood opportunities both as an economic empowerment and
as strategy to reduce high risks coping mechanisms, leading to GBV and various forms
of abuse and exploitation.
The incumbent will be responsible for designing and
implementing Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) and Youth SLA
(YSLAs) for refugee and displaced populations, including urban youth; Linking
better performing groups to financial service providers for access to more
formal financial services that can support the businesses and Income Generating
Activities of select beneficiaries, Promote women in business networks to
increase women and girls' access to and control (voice and leadership) over economic
networks and rolling out a job placement and vocational training program. S/he
also supports the MEAL function and ensures lessons learnt and impact of above
interventions during displacement and in the urban context are captured and
Responsibility 1: Provide technical
leadership support to GEAR on V/YSLAs in the urban and displacement contexts (25%)
Based on lessons learnt from CARE’s VSLA and YSLA
methodologies, and results from the formative studies during the inception
phase, adapt the V/YSLA methodology to propose an approach that will be
relevant to the needs of targeted beneficiaries, with specific attention of
what is required to create V/YSLAs with refugee youth, and with urban poor
populations, particularly women.
Pilot test V/YSLAs that bring together refugees and
host communities to create trust and social cohesion between these groups.
Adapt and ensure quality and relevance of the
different curricula to be delivered to V/YSLAs:
life and soft skills (including building self-esteem and self-confidence
of members, integrating GBV prevention activities, etc.), Women Leadership and
PSS (in collaboration with Gender and Advocacy Advisor), V/YSLA management
committee and governance training, financial literacy training, business
development skills, etc.
Train selected partners in the roll out of the above
adapted V/YSLA methodologies and provide ongoing technical support to ensure
timely and quality implementation, detecting what works, what does not and
proposing corrective measures.
Roll out the digital care package model to increase
women and girls' access to and control (decision making) over
digital/technology resources and promote women in business networks to increase
women and girls' access to and control (voice and leadership) over economic
2: Design and roll out a job placement and vocational training program (25%)
with partners to Identify participants
with potential to be linked to more “formal” job opportunities, particularly in the urban context, through
the design and roll out of “job placement” program; this will include
identifying youth and matching them with potential employers to gain practical
work experience, developing a curriculum for youth and employers and training
employers on expectations of the program, including on fair treatment and
prevention of Sexual Harassment, Abuse and Exploitation at the work place in
collaboration with the Gender and Advocacy Advisor;
closely with partners to identify participants
in need of vocational training and opportunities for vocational training,
building on CARE’s youth skills model; design the training package, roll it out
and ensure close monitoring and oversight during the vocational training.
To the extent possible, link the vocational training
and job placement by transitioning youth from vocational training to the job
placement program.
Train women and girls on business communications and
leadership skills with focus on ability to effectively manage their businesses
and partners.
Responsibility 3: Support V/YSLA
members to engage in micros and small businesses and form economically viable
livelihood groups (20%)
Responsibility 4: Provide technical
leadership and support to linkages of V/YSLAs to Formal Financial Institutions
Support linkages of best performing and “mature”
V/YSLAs with formal Finance Service Providers (FSPs). This will include
identifying suitable FSPs, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and adequate
user-friendly products (e.g., E-wallets, etc.).
Training and provision of ongoing technical support
and accompaniment to implementing partners involved in supporting linkages
Collaborate with partners to identify FSPs, MNOs and
adequate products; support signing of agreements of selected FSPs & MNOs
and implementation of these agreements, with customer protection always at the
With support from Gender and Advocacy Advisor,
ensure training of FSPs and MNOs on gender barriers to financial services is
Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of linkages’
component, including monitoring of Do No Harm to ensure linked groups and / or
individuals do not get indebted.
Responsibility 6: Monitoring,
Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) 10%
Train implementing partners in the use of SAVIX, the
global Management Information System for VSLAs and ensure IPs report all V/YSLA
activities (of groups, number of members, groups performance indicators etc.)
Support team to monitor the quality and impact of
the implementation of all Economic Empowerment and Financial Inclusion
activities, ensuring data is tracked by age, gender, origin, livelihood group,
rural versus urban etc.).
This contributes to generating and documenting
lessons learnt and knowledge on all economic empowerment and financial
inclusion activities with particular attention to documenting and tracking the
impact of economic empowerment on resilience and reduction of GBV risks; on
implementing YSLAs in the urban context and with displaced populations, and on
the linkages between V/YSLAs.
7: Promote Gender Equity and Diversity & Safeguarding
Practices all the time (5%)
Responsibility 8: Any
other responsibility as may be assigned by the Supervisor (5%)
Job and Person Specification (requirements)